
Iggy azalea songs 2015 im a liar
Iggy azalea songs 2015 im a liar

I watched good rock die, and it hurts to see another genre I love destroyed. You're not going to win the numbers game, so you have to hold the niche. The result? Hot white women and mediocrity reign, because the money is in the numbers=mainstream white America.īlack people have to look in the mirror for falling off and making everything about money. Iggy Azalea announced via Twitter on Thursday, July 15, that she intends to take a break from making music after her End of an Era album is released this. There used to be two lanes in hip-hop, one about the music and one about the money. Even hype men like Lil Jon were checked out. Back in the day, you wouldn't set foot in certain venues until you were at a high level. There's no local quality control, either. (Regardless of what you think of his music, he had a huge fanbase.) All this "New Slave" talk from Ye, yet he just took a feature when Keef was hot, and rode his fame. They left Chief Keef to the wolves, lost a great chance to get him out of his lifestyle and develop into a decent artist. There's nobody out there in the clubs, or championing underground acts and taking care of the artists who need mentoring anymore. Radio in general used to break acts, not just urban radio. Ebro Darden is a POS who has no shame about rejecting *any* hip-hop until it's already a hit. How much black media do black people actually own, r71Īll media has a lot to answer for as far as promoting quality, especially urban radio. I highly suggest you listen to her last album and start with "Superlove." It's an immediate earworm and if I were in her camp I'd give it a major push in America now that people know who she is. I've been listening to her stuff on Spotify and it is just perfect, perfect pop music. Sidenote: I'm just discovering Charli XCX and HER I like. People really do need to start calling out how fake this all is before it goes any further and once people realize I think there'll be a backlash at any point.


It is amazing to me that in America you truly do only need white skin to do any and everything. She raps like the female TI, which is where she gets her flow from. I would buy this from an American white girl with close ties to the hood, but this is just all a bit too much for me. She was born and raised in NEW ZEALAND and now raps like she was from the streets of Memphis. Fancy is a cute song I must say, but when you listen to an interview with her she speaks with a very posh accent. I just can't believe how fake and contrived she is and that it's all working.

Iggy azalea songs 2015 im a liar